Discarded Cigarette Starts House Fire: Police

A house fire on August 13 was caused by a carelessly discarded cigarette, according to Plano Fire Investigators.

The Plano Fire Department said Fire-Rescue crews were dispatched to the two-story home on the 8800 block of Clear Sky Drive at 4:30 p.m. Thursday when the residents called 911 after smelling smoke and finding the home's garage on fire.

Fire officials said first responders found the fire in the attic above the garage and attacked the fire quickly while other firefighters entered the home and kept the fire from advancing into the house from the attic. Officials added that the fire was extinguished quickly, just 15 minutes from the arrival of the first fire engine.

Investigators said a teenage friend visiting the home had tossed a cigarette over the home's fence. Fire investigators believe the cigarette caused leaves in the gutter to catch fire which then extended into the home's attic.

The Plano Fire Department said twenty-four firefighters were used to fight the one-alarm fire. Temperatures at the time were between 96° and 98° F. There were no injuries to either residents or firefighters.

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