
Could Dallas See Its First Citywide Housing Policy?

A special meeting will be held Thursday in Dallas to discuss housing policies in the city.

City leaders, community advocates, and leaders in the nonprofit sector will discuss the draft Comprehensive Housing Policy that was presented to the Economic Development and Housing Committee last month. The meeting is scheduled at 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at city hall.

Except for segregation and redlining, the city of Dallas has never had a housing policy that incentivizes and promotes more mixed-income and affordable housing throughout the entire city.

Policy Task Force members in the nonprofit “Opportunity Dallas” want to see development and growth, but not at the expense of residents being pushed out and displaced because of gentrification.

City leaders and the public will be able to comment on ten policy areas: including reinvestment areas, the Targeted Homebuyer Assistance Program (that will attract law enforcement, teachers, and fire fighters into reinvestment areas), a property tax freeze for residents in Neighborhood Empowerment Zones, and the creation of a Housing Task Force to work on legislative issues.

To view the agenda, presentation, and revised map of reinvestment areas click here.

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