City Hall Proposes Booting Ordinance

Overzealous booters may finally see some restrictions on what many call their unfair practice of booting cars in downtown Dallas, even when patrons have paid to park already.

It costs around $100 to remove a boot from a car, which has caused many complaints.

“There has been a rise in complaints from patrons of pay parking lots and businesses near these lots regarding the use of vehicle immobilization devices. Without state or local regulation, there is an increased opportunity for fraudulent and predatory practices that negatively impact the public,” a new Dallas city ordinance says.

The newly proposed ordinance would put the onus on car lot owners to provide receipts to those who pay for parking, and allow only those lots to boot cars.

It will likely be up for vote at the Aug. 21 city council meeting.

Holly LaFon has written and worked for various local publications including D Magazine and Examiner.

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