School District Forced to Build More Schools Due to Significant Growth

NBCUniversal, Inc.

The Walker family loaded up their stuff and moved to Texas in 2020. Like so many, they struggled to find a home and wound up near Haslet.

"This area is highly popular right now," said Megan Walker. "It's just a nice area to raise kids really."

The area from northern Fort Worth to Denton is one of the few left with available land and is growing so fast it's hard for anyone to keep up, especially schools.

"It's just gone bonkers, it's everywhere," said Tim McClure, Assistant Superintendent, Facilities, Northwest ISD. "We've experienced housing growth unbelievable considering the times we're in, dealing with COVID and everything else"

Northwest ISD is the fastest-growing school district in Texas. They had a huge 5-year growth plan to build more schools, but builders are putting up double the amount of homes than the school planned for just last year.

Four new elementary schools will go up this summer.

"I know they added classrooms this year because of that," said Walker. "My son's first-grade class was split in half."

They're trying to find space for an ever-increasing amount of students but also trying to find teachers at a time when they're in short demand.

Northwest ISD is starting a marketing campaign to find more teachers by working with universities and that's just the start.

"You're trying to balance the number of bus drivers you have, custodial staff, kitchen staff, teachers. It becomes an operational maneuver," said McClure.

All that growth in the middle of fighting a pandemic, building back test scores and keeping new parents like Megan happy with the job they're doing.

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