Students across North Texas are starting the school year virtually, while districts work to ready themselves for in-person learning.
In Garland ISD, it’s classroom meets convenience store as the district installs plexiglass walls on students' desks.
"We’ve spent a few million on plexiglass, face shields, face guards," said Brent Ringo, chief financial officer for Garland ISD.
Ringo is the man with the plan and the district's wallet to pay for it all. It’s not just plexiglass but deep cleaning. The district already had electrostatic misters in place to kill germs. They’ll be back with more deep cleaning and more people to do it.
"We’ve added 55 custodians to our staff to add to that daily touch and constant cleaning," Ringo said.
Despite all the steps the district has taken, it's encouraging both parents and employees not to be swayed one way or the other when it comes to choosing online or virtual learning. Their plans may change, but Garland ISD said it's confident it's prepared however parents choose to have their children learn.