The number of cases of the coronavirus in Dallas County exceeded 10,000 on Saturday as officials reported five new deaths and 219 additional cases.
Dallas County has had a total of 228 deaths and 10,006 cases of COVID-19.
The five additional deaths reported Saturday include two Dallas men with no underlying high risk health conditions, one in his 20s and another in his 60s.
The other three deaths include a Dallas man in his 50s, a Garland man in his 60s and a Dallas man in his 70s who had been a resident of a long-term care facility. All three had underlying high risk health conditions.
“Today’s numbers continue to tick upward but it’s still too early for the doctors to say it’s a trend or to point to why we’re seeing that modest increase," Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said in a written statement. "It’s up to all of us to make those good smart decisions that will give us our best chance of not seeing an upward trend emerge threatening public health and our economic recovery."
Suspected COVID-19 hospitalizations, ICU admissions and ER visits remain flat in the county, according to information from the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council.
In the 24 hour period ending Friday, about 22 percent of ER visits or 449 patients were people with symptoms of COVID-19, according to the county.