Consumer Reports: Tasty & Healthy Breakfast Cereals

When it comes to eating healthy, a diet rich in fiber is right at the top of the list. Fiber can help control your appetite and weight, and may even help lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Yet most adults don’t get enough fiber. Consumer Reports says one convenient fix is the breakfast cereal you pick.

High-fiber cereals have come a long way. Consumer Reports’ first taste tests 14 years ago found that many of the fiber-rich cereals tasted more like straw than grain.

But in Consumer Reports’ latest tests of 26 cereals, mostly high in fiber, more than two-thirds tasted very good.

One even rated excellent: Bear Naked Fruit and Nut Granola. But its overall nutrition rating is only fair, and it has just 2 grams of fiber per serving.

Granolas are often thought of as a healthful choice, but they’re among the highest in fat and calories, so just be careful how much you pour.

Much better choices include four cereals that were very tasty and very nutritious -- with a lot more fiber:

  • Kellogg’s All-Bran Original, with 10 grams of fiber
  • Post Shredded Wheat Wheat ’n Bran, with 9 grams
  • Post Grape-Nuts the Original, with 7 grams
  • Post Shredded Wheat Original, with 6 grams.

But name-brand cereals can be expensive. We found two very tasty store-brands that are Consumer Reports Best Buys.

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One, Market Pantry Frosted Shredded Wheat from Target, is sweet, with a toastedwheat flavor. It delivers 6 grams of fiber.

The second, Great Value Raisin Bran from Walmart, has a little more fiber. In milk the flakes lost some crunch but didn’t become soggy, even after 2 minutes.

Either is a great, healthy way to start your day. Most of the Consumer Reports suggested cereals get you well on your way to the daily recommended amount of fiber. It’s 25 grams for women and 38 for men.

Complete Ratings and recommendations on all kinds of products, including appliances, cars & trucks, and electronic gear, are available on Consumer Reports’ website.

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