While event after event hits the chopping block due to swine flu scares and rainy weather forecasts, there still are a few things you're doing this Saturday night.
HIS TRACTOR IS SEXY: Kenny Chesney first popped on our radar with "You Had Me From Hello," which nabbed him #1 on the Country charts and eventually Renee Zellweger. Now, he's balding, 41 and playing at Pizza Hut Park on Saturday in support of his second collection of "greatest hits." Oh, and that girl that had him from hello said goodbye in 2005. Ouch, Kenny -- at least you'll have some Frisco moms who think your tractor is still sexy.
THEY AIN'T ROBOTS: RTB2 -- not to be confused with R2D2 or even RJD2 -- play Hailey's in Denton along with other hot locals Bridges and Blinking Lights. The duo have be up for awards from QuickDFW and Dallas Observer in the past, including similar "best new act" nominations last year. Are they the next big thing? Find out at 9 p.m.
"CRASH" THE WEB-SITE ARENA: No, we're still not over the fact that the fabled Starplex is now named after a dot-com directory service. It seems even weirder when you see a billing like Dave Matthews Band at the Superpages.com Center. Are we the only ones who think the DMB flavor doesn't mix well with the digital age? Needs more auto-tune.