May Kay is showing off its new, $125 million manufacturing and research and development facility in Lewisville. Officials say the complex will put all of those North Texas operations under one roof, and allow the beauty industry leader to add jobs.
Mary Kay officials joined local politicians for a ribbon cutting and tours Thursday. The work done at the 480,000-square-foot building will cover the gamut for hundreds of Mary Kay beauty products, the company said.
"Everything from the beginning to the end of the supply chain," said Ryan Rogers, Mary Kay's chief investment officer. "From product development and formulation and testing, to manufacturing."
No cameras were allowed during the tour, but photos provided by Mary Kay showed examples of some of the work which will be done there. About 500 employees will move from the company’s longtime facility on Regal Row in Dallas. More will be shifted from company headquarters in Addison.
After looking at several locations in North Texas and elsewhere, Mary Kay chose Lewisville. City leaders there said it opens the door for others to follow.
"I have to believe that as they're looking at their assets and seeing what's happening here, they're thinking, 'Hey, we want to be part of that,'" said T.J. Gilmore, a member of Lewisville City Council.
Mary Kay started to make cosmetics in the Dallas area 55 years ago. The $3.6-billion-dollar company remains strong in a changing retail market.
"This facility was built for growth," Rogers said. "I expect it to be here for many, many more years to come."
Mary Kay expects to move into the new building by next spring.