FW Symphony Celebrates 100 Years

FWSO originally believed to be founded in 1925, discovered it was founded in 1912

The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra is celebrating a major milestone this year with its centennial season.

Thanks to an article in the Star-Telegram the orchestra recently discovered the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra was founded in March 31, 1912, instead of 1925.

The symphony has started and stopped over the years, interrupted by both World Wars but is going strong today and celebrating 100 years with anniversary events throughout the year including A Centennial Gala on April 17. After the concert at Bass Performance Hall the Renaissance Worthington Hotel will host a black tie dinner.

"We will also be exploring new ways of bringing music to life, such as making connections to literature with narration weaved into the performances and with multimedia spectacles joining music and other art forms," said Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra President and CEO Amy Adkins.

The City of Fort Worth will proclaim May 2012 as Fort Worth Symphony Month, a commemorative magazine will be published this fall and the orchestra will debut a piece dedicated to its centennial composed by Jimmy Lรณpez.

The symphony is also creating a short documentary which will be shown at its August festival.

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