AUSTIN — The climax of Texas' legislative special session has arrived. The Dallas Morning News' weekly political preview — The Look Ahead — has the inside scoop.With only three days to go in the special legislative session, five of the 20 items on Gov. Greg Abbott's agenda have passed both the House and the Senate and have reached his desk. Abbott has signed bills keeping alive state agencies and combating mail-in ballot fraud. The other items — a bill increasing abortion complication reporting requirements, a measure banning abortion coverage in primary insurance plans and a bill requiring large cities to hold elections in areas before they annex them — await the governor's signature to become law. Which other of Abbott's priorities stand a fighting chance of becoming law? A measure that would give Texans a bit more control over their property taxes has a possible path to the Governor's desk, as well as a bill that would increase reporting requirements for doctors who perform an abortion on a minor. But many of the items on Abbott's docket, including the so-called "bathroom bill," which would would restrict bathroom usage for transgender Texans, appear dead in the water.Abbott has said he wants to see lawmakers pass all his agenda items — he even had "20 for 20" buttons printed up — but that's not happening during this legislative special session. Of course, Abbott has the power to call the Legislature back for a second special session to finish the job. If he'll do so remains an open question. Continue reading...

With Three Days to Go in Texas' Special Legislative Session, Prospects Bleak for Much of Gov. Abbott's Agenda
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