In his 26 years on staff at The Dallas Morning News, Tom Fox has won the news' Photographer/Videographer of the Year contest three times"Fox's photos and videos shimmer with a cutting wit, intelligence and a gift for finding moments when the world opens. His work blew us away," said the judge from The Dallas Morning News Journalists of the Year for 2016 contest."Tom Fox captures the quiet moments of everyday life with a visual eloquence that allows readers to feel the moments. Tom uses light to guide our eye and his empathy is palpable in every image." "I am truly honored and humbled by the recognition. Over the years, I've been blessed with many successes at The Dallas Morning News, and none of that would have been possible without the support of my fellow photographers and editors. I work with some of the best in the newsroom business, and I'm appreciative of that foundation." Below is a slide show of Tom's winning photos and links to his two videos. Continue reading...
Tom Fox Wins The Dallas Morning News Staff Photojournalist of the Year
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