It could have -- should have -- been so much easier, done without the months-long delay or the whiff of rancor and discord that permeated recent meetings at Dallas City Hall. Because amid the debate, the most acrimonious of which took place on petitions and in meetings held out of the public's view, there was just one obvious, inevitable outcome: outlawing the tethering of dogs in the city limits.That, finally, is just what the Dallas City Council voted to do Wednesday morning -- without any discussion. It was the right thing to do, because it was the only thing to do.And so, beginning Feb. 1, you will no longer be allowed to tie up a dog in the yard and leave it there. Because doing so is inhumane, cruel. Because doing so makes good dogs mean. Because doing so puts people at risk. Continue reading...

It Took a Long Time, But Dallas Has Finally Outlawed Tethering Dogs
Copyright The Dallas Morning News