LAREDO — Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar works in the shadow of the roaring Rio Grande.He stands on the banks, looking out at a park where residents play baseball and basketball or picnic with friends and family. With Nuevo Laredo sitting just across the river, Cuellar has a message for President Donald Trump about one of his campaign promises:“With all due respect, President Trump, but your wall ain’t gonna work here,” said Cuellar, who has worked for the Texas Department of Public Safety tracking down drug smugglers for more than two decades. He's been sheriff for the past nine years.Cuellar said environmental issues and the abundance of privately owned land along the border fuel his skepticism. He also says the wall would have an adverse affect on Mexican shoppers who travel back and forth across the border and could devastate the Texas economy. Recently, Trump sent Congress a wish list for border and immigration security that included a call to fully fund the wall and tied it to the fate of young immigrants in the United States. About 800,000 young people who were brought to the U.S. as children face potential deportation after the president reversed an Obama-era policy known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. Continue reading...
As Trump's Border Plans Take Shape, Critics Call for Virtual Wall
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