Please, point out the liesRe: "FBI official fired as retirement nears — Sessions sacks McCabe for misleading info during investigation," Saturday news story.DMN, you got the sub-headline wrong on this one. It reads, "Sessions sacks McCabe for misleading info during investigation."Rather, I believe it should have read "Sessions caves to unrelenting pressure from Trump to fire McCabe."President Donald Trump, as usual, shows he is unafraid to abuse his power. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also as usual, shows he is utterly incapable of actually doing the job of attorney general. Sessions should resign as it has become obvious that he is willing to be Trump's pawn and can't be the independent attorney general that he is sworn to be.Trump continues to show us and the world his pettiness and his desire to impede and obstruct an ongoing investigation.His complicit party seems willing to stand with him even as an avalanche of compelling data tells us that there was collusion with Russia to swing the results of the election.Please let your headlines reflect what is actually happening, not what comes from an administration press release. In other words, point out the lies. It matters.Ernie Ferguson, PlanoNot above the lawNobody, even the man who is running America, is above the law. If you do the crime, you do the time, just like the rest of us. Does our president have the right to fire someone in order to stop an investigation against him? Again?I'll never understand how the American people were gullible enough to elect this man. Andrea Welch, PottsboroThey still have their jobs?It has long appeared that law officers could do anything short of cold-blooded executions and avoid punishment. Now is seems that the FBI falls under this same mantle of immunity. No one (as far as we know) in the FBI has been or will be punished for failing to act on information about Nikolas Cruz. We should also recall that the FBI reportedly had information about men learning to fly -- but not land -- jet airplanes at a South Florida flying school. Even a small investigation could have prevented the 9-11 catastrophe. The cowards of the Broward County Sheriff's office continue to cash their paychecks while insisting that they followed protocol and did as they were trained to do.When are people making these tragic blunders going to be fired and escorted off of the premises? If an employee or executive of a corporation in America made a mistake causing dozens or hundreds of deaths, their career would be over — period! I demand that the buffoons in the FBI be made an example. We cannot tolerate incompetence when lives are at stake.Ed Gray, Dallas/Oak LawnWhy is this tolerated?Back in September, 2016, President Donald Trump said: "I'll choose the best people for my administration." If that is so, why has he had a 43 percent turnover rate of his most senior staffers? (Three times higher than the prior presidential record.) So, is Trump a horrible judge of character, an insufferable boss or both? No big corporation would tolerate a manager with that amount of turnover among their own hires. They would call that incompetence and fire or re-position him at their first opportunity (in 2020).Hugh Resnick, Dallas/The CedarsFocus on this, DemsRe: "Is blue wave on its way? Pennsylvania loss jars GOP, but Texas races are different," Thursday news story.If Democratic candidates take a more Conor Lamb approach towards what the American people care about -- economy, jobs, wages -- and not try to destroy the Constitution and campaign on hate and impeachment of the current president, who, by the way, is doing a great job on the economy and foreign relations, they would have a great chance of getting elected.Mike Littlejohn, MesquiteWho pays for all this?Re: "Sanctuary cities law is upheld -- Ruling a major win for state, but plaintiffs say the fight isn't over yet," Wednesday news story.So, if a federal appeals court has ruled that sanctuary cities are against the law, will the mayors, police chiefs and sheriffs use public funds to cover their court costs when they are arrested for not following the law? What if most folks in that city are against having sanctuary cities? Will all citizens will have to pay for the defense of those who initiated sanctuary-city policies whether they approve of them or not? Just asking.Edgar Carol, KaufmanWhich job is whose?Re: "Sanctuary cities will cost Democrats -- Ed Rogers says it's bad policy that puts law enforcement at risk," March 12 Viewpoints.In his commentary, I can feel the hate in Rogers' heart for "open-border radicals, liberals, Democrats and the media" for their support of "so-called sanctuary cities." His basic premise is that they are themselves lawbreakers by failing to support the enforcement of federal laws regarding immigration. As a traditional conservative (and old white guy), let me comment.I support local law enforcement holding and turning over violent criminals to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. My problem is with the unfunded mandate by the federal government to require local and state law enforcement to work for the feds in screening and arresting immigrants with no local law having been broken. The checking of immigration status will cause many people to avoid the police to the extent of not reporting domestic violence, not stepping forward as a witness to crime and encouraging neighbors to spy upon each other for no good reason other than skin color.Sanctuary cities are American cities that push back against federal insistence that local and state law enforcement enforce federal laws. It is not their job. Also, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick brags about spending millions on border protection instead of properly funding public education. Border protection is the federal government's job.Gerald Bunger, SunnyvaleLet's back ending povertyRe: "Support ending poverty," by Martin White, March 11 Letters.The Dallas Morning News published this clear and concise letter to the editor from Martin White. In his letter, he called us all to action in support of reducing abject poverty and the continued building of U.S. partnerships around the world. Certainly, the world is a fragile place and much more in places where extreme poverty is an everyday event. If the U.S., as a beacon of freedom, is not strategically involved in these places, other countries and groups with different agendas will step in. White's letter, besides the very human goal of reducing poverty, made two points clear for me. First, the fact that helping create an educated and healthy population worldwide translates into more stable and productive nations, thus reducing population dislocations and radicalism. Second, the fact that we all have it in our power to ensure that our Congress continues to support global health and education programs into fiscal year 2019, much like they supported them in fiscal year 2018. Let your congressman and senators know that you support these appropriations. Now is the critical time to contact them at 202-224-3121. Andy J. Garcia, Far North Dallas Continue reading...
Andrew McCabe, FBI Accountability, Blue Wave, Conor Lamb, Sanctuary Cities, World Poverty
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