Perry, Romney Exchange Attack Ads

Anything you say in debates can and will be held against you on YouTube.

Just ask Gov. Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.

Both campaigns released YouTube attack ads on each other.

One of Perry's ads hit Romney on deleting half of a sentence in his book that talked about expanding "Romneycare."

The ad uses footage from the Thursday's Republican debate.

WWatch the ad below:

Another ad hits Romney on his stance on the Department of Education's "Race to the Top." The ad is below:

Mitt Romney's campaign released an ad called "They Agree," in which Romney's team says Perry's Texas law that allows in-state tuition for illegal immigrants is in line with Democrats and President Barack Obama. Romney's ad is below:

Tracking Rick Perry:
For the latest on Rick Perry's run for the White House, click here to see our special Tracking Rick Perry section. View videos, photos, and stories on the Texas governor's presidential run.
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