
Film Producers Looking for Dallas House to Demolish

Are you looking for an affordable way to get rid of your house? Some moviemakers in Dallas have a very unusual request for you.

They need to find a home that's set for, or available for, demolition so they can destroy it as part of a feature film.

The name of the movie isn't being released, but the producers are working with the Dallas Film Commission to find a house for a filming location.

The producers need a mid-century or Tudor home, and the home should not be in a historical preservation neighborhood.

The film commission adds this is for a low-budget indie film, so there is no money in it for you. Still, it's a good way to get rid of your home, for free.

If you are interested, send your address and contact information to Dwight Craver at dwight.craver@dallascityhall.com.

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