Ware on Haynesworth: β€œIt's If He Wants To Do It Or Not”

Washington Redskins defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth has run the gauntlet of public opinion this offseason as a result of his decision to sit out organized team activities and mini-camp after reportedly demanding a trade from the team.

Everyone has an opinion on Haynesworth's situation, from fans, to writers, to players and even his ex-wife--who, keeping with her title as Haynesworth's ex-wife, had little good to say about the Pro Bowl lineman.

Indeed, most of those who have weighed in believe that Haynesworth is making a mistake in sitting out this offseason, in which the new regime of Shanahan and Allen are attempting to build the foundation of a hopefully more successful season in 2010, part of which is a new defense--of which Haynesworth isn't a fan.

Cowboys' linebacker DeMarcus Ware, speaking on ESPN Radio 103.3's "Galloway and Company" recently, wouldn't go that far. Although he hinted that he disagreed with Haynesworth's approach, the all-everything Ware, as he is wont to do, remained politically correct and at a distance from the mess.

"I think if you’re going to be a big-time guy, which we call the β€œConfident Guy,” at the end of the day, you should be able to play different positions, and I know he can do it," Ware said. "It’s if he wants to do it or not. And I think he needs to do whatever he needs to do to help the team out but everybody has different opinions."

One of the more intriguing of these "different opinions" was that of Baltimore linebacker Ray Lewis. Lewis's comments, made to the Washington radio station 106.7 the Fan last week, make Ware's look like those of the most chauvinistic Haynesworth-supporter. Lewis delivered a scathing indictment of not just Haynesworth, but the sort of thinking that leads to these disagreements.

"Your days of long suffering, of pain, of working out and countless hours of suffering, they're for a reason," Lewis said. "To fulfill a legacy, chasing something. And nowadays, where everything gets this dispute here, and I don't want to do this, I don't want to do that. See, when I was coming up, we didn't have that choice, to tell an adult -- no matter who it was -- what we weren't gonna do."

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