Playing it Safe

Kid locked in Bass Pro Shop gun safe

In a case of life imitating art(?), the “Family Guy” episode about Brian and Stewie getting locked in a bank vault aired Sunday night. 

The next day, that would be Monday for those of you keeping score at home, a 16-year-old boy — presumably sans dog — somehow got himself locked in a gun safe at the Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine.

It probably wasn’t as funny as the “Family Guy” episode. Store employees tried to open the safe by using the combination, which makes sense, but for some unexplained reason, the digital pad failed to respond.

The fire department was called while someone from the shop called the safe manufacturer. Rescue personnel drilled a hole in the back of the safe, ran a tube in there to give the kid some oxygen, and a few minutes later the combination pad reset, the door opened, the kid emerged, and tragedy was averted.

In a case of life imitating a slow news day, that was about it, according to city officials in Grapevine. OK, folks, show’s over. Move along, please, move along. Nothing to see here.

Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. This is why he doesn’t mess with guns. He’s claustrophobic.

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