The deadline for bike share companies to clean up their act has come and gone.
The city of Dallas gave them until Friday to move bikes off sidewalks narrower than 10 feet wide, and out of the way of curb ramps.
Many say they've complied.
LimeBike founding team member Caen Contee said the company addresses the city’s concerns before Friday’s deadline.
“We've changed anything that was required which honestly we weren't violating things as much as creating the clarity of what was seen as the best way to operate,” Contee explained at a community clean-up event on Saturday.
The event was hosted by LimeBike.
Employees and community members picked up trash along the shores of White Rock Lake.
The latest news from around North Texas.
Contee says it also shows LimeBike’s commitment to a clean city landscape.
“We’ve always said we’re here to rise to the challenge and we’re here to grow and develop,” Contee said.
In January, more than 250 complaints were made to the city of Dallas about the five bike share companies now operating in the city.
LimeBike is the biggest with about 10,000 bikes placed throughout the city.
Contee says the company will soon offer free rides to people who pick up LimeBikes that are parked improperly.
The company is also expanding its Dallas operations team.