Thursday, Malaysian authorities released a preliminary report regarding the night Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 disappeared from radar.
But instead of giving families members of those missing answers, the report, which is a mere five pages, leaves them with more questions.
It shows it took 17 minutes before controllers realized the plane was off the radar; and another four hours before the search and rescue command center was notified.
Malaysian authorities also released a map of three possible flight paths the plane could’ve taken, all of them ending with the plane crashing into the ocean.
“We never believed that plane went into the water. We’ve always believed that plane went somewhere else,” said Keller resident Aubrey Wood.
His son, Philip Wood, was on flight MH 370.
“It kind of shocks you when you get a call after midnight and they say a plane your son is on is missing,” he said.
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Since the plane’s disappearance, search crews have been focused on the south Indian Ocean, but have yet to find one shred of wreckage.
“I just want them to look somewhere else! And that’s not just dumb, blind hoping they’re alive. It’s just, hey, let’s be smart about this thing and don’t just keep going where you are,” Wood said.
While his family has emotionally moved on, Wood said they will never truly be at peace until they know what happened to their son.
“We’re prepared to accept it either way. The thing is, I just want to know something for sure. And it seems to be getting more confusing all the time.”