With their school day winding down Thursday, Trevontae Barker, Kenyon Maloney, and David Willis followed their classmates at Glencrest Middle School in Fort Worth to the auditorium -- clueless that the assembly they were about to attend was all for them.
They were surprised to see Fort Worth Police inside -- even more surprised when the officers called them up to the stage. Then, the entire room erupted as the officers gave all three sixth-graders brand new bicycles.
"We thought nothing was going to happen," said Maloney.
Fort Worth Police say what the three boys did recently certainly wasn't nothing.
"This is just amazing," said Officer J.R. Cox, who presented the boys with their bikes. "It's outstanding. It's just pure greatness that these young men did the responsible thing, stepped up, and helped us."
On March 29, officers were searching for a burglary suspect along Pecos Street, who had run from them.
While they were looking for him, Barker, Maloney, and Willis came running up to them with some valuable information.
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"This dude came up behind us and said he'll give us twenty dollars each if we found him somewhere to hide," said Barker.
That "dude" was the suspect -- and after the boys turned down his offer, they told police where he had gone. Not long after, officers found the man and arrested him.
"I am happy because I knew that I had it in me just to do the right thing," said Willis.
Police hope other kids, and adults for that matter, follow the boys' example.
"Often the police, fire, and EMS are called upon to go help other people," said Cox. "And on this particular day, these young men stepped up and helped us."