
Dallas Prepares for Rally Against Racism

Thousands from around the region are expected to converge on North Texas this weekend for the Dallas Against White Supremacy Rally.

In the days before the event, some attention has shifted to ways to make sure attendees are safe and tensions remain low. Memories of the scenes from Charlottesville, Virginia, are still fresh in many minds and organizers said they would like the rally to remain peaceful but still powerful and passionate.

“The rally that we have planned is completely non-violent and we are going to have her own security there,” Mothers Against Police Brutality co-founder John Fullinwider said.

Fullinwider's group is one of the core organizing groups for the weekend gathering. A heavy police presence is expected, as are counter-protesters.

“We'll deal with counter protesting, but we are non-violent warriors for justice and we will stand up to them and their cowardly violence,” he said. “[We] will do it just like Gandhi did it in India; just like King in America.”

“There are people who might want conflict like a street brawl and we're going to try to make sure our people are not involved,” he added.

Some participating groups are speaking with their members about remaining safe during the rally and drafting plans.

“In the middle of June, we had a march against police brutality [and] we had 1,000 people and it was completely non-violent and we expect this rally to be the same,” Fullinwider said.

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