
City Council Vote Could Bring Shared Scooters and Bikes Back to Dallas

NBC 5 News

The Dallas City Council will vote on new rules to bring back shared scooters and possibly bikes later this year.

The conditions would limit the number of the scooters and bikes and where they can be used and stored.

"Every 90 days, staff will look at it. And where there's good behavior, we allow more units," Dallas City Council Member Omar Narvaez said.

The proposal recommends not allowing rides in public parks, public plazas, the grounds of the State Fair of Texas or on sidewalks. Riding late at night would be banned.

"It's hard to tell them to stay off the sidewalks and get on the roads when they feel like they're going to die when we're on the roads because the driving is so unsafe, " Dallas City Council member Chad West said.

Riders would be required to take an end-of-trip picture to prove the rental bike or scooter is parked correctly and in the right place, or face a fine of $20.

Vendors will be set up later this summer and service could begin in October.

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