Bedford city council members will be asked to consider a potential 18 percent tax increase during Tuesday night’s council meeting.
That increase would equate to an additional $173.56 owed to the city per year from the average Bedford homeowner.
A significant portion of the proposed increase would pay for debt incurred from the $70 million Boys Ranch Park improvement bond Bedford voters approved last fall. That money is funding a major renovation of the city’s most popular park, including a new recreation center, indoor and outdoor swimming pools as well as new athletic fields.
In addition to the debt service payment, the proposed budget includes requests for new emergency response personnel – five new police officer position, and six new firefighter/paramedics.
“We have not added a police officer since the early-2000s, a firefighter since the late-1990s,” said Bedford City Manager Brian Bosshardt. “We recognize fully [the proposed tax increase] doesn’t place the mayor and council in an easy position.”
Council members meet Tuesday night at 6:30 in council chambers, located at Bedford City Hall.