Celebrity Book Club

Pre-order Kathy Griffin's memoir today, plus page-turners from Madonna and Nina Garcia

DISH AND TELL:  If you’re like us, you’re counting down the days to the release of Official Book Club Selection, the new memoir from everyone’s favorite D-Lister, Kathy Griffin.  September 8th is but a few weeks away, so pre-order your copy on Amazon -- and maybe get one for your bff, too.  We’re thinkin’ $14.70 is a small price to pay for what’s sure to be the greatest celeb gossip-fest since, well, ever.

FASHION SENSE:  The Style Strategy: A Less is More Approach to Staying Chic and Shopping Smart and The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own by Marie Claire Fashion Director and Project Runway judge Nina Garcia are must-haves for any fashionista.  (They’ll also whet your appetite for the P.R. premiere coming up on Aug.20!)  Both are $14.95 at Amazon.

SWEET THINGS:  And for your little prima donna, the Toy Maven carries the full English Roses children’s book series by Madonna.  Beautifully illustrated by Jeffrey Fulvimari, each story presents a lesson to be learned from the Material Girl herself...and not like the kind you’ll find in the tabloids.  Find ‘em online or at 6025 Royal Ln # 223, 214-265-9971

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