Picking A Wine? Smart Caps Can Help!

Product innovation company Uncorked Studios has developed an app called Sommely that makes your wine collection smarter.

Imagine going to your tablet and telling it you're having spaghetti for dinner, and you'd like to pick out a medium-priced bottle of Italian red wine from your collection. Sommely's "smart" wine bottle caps will start blinking to show you which ones fit that criteria.

"Sommely allows you the ability to put that story on a cap," says lead developer Marcelino Alvarez.

Sommely's early prototypes were done on a 3D printer. Inside the cap is an Intel processing chip, bluetooth and an LED light. One battery charge will last years.

"You put the cap on top, press the button, the app says 'Hey is this a new wine you purchased?' Scan the label, and it imports the information and you can add notes, like 'this is for a special occasion' or how much you paid for it, explained tech developer Lee Learner of Uncorked Studios.

Read more on this story at KGW.com.

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