
Planetary Parade: A Rare 5 Planet Alignment Is Happening

When, where, and how to witness this event across the North Texas sky this month

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

A rare sight is coming to North Texas for the end of March 2023. Five planets - Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Mars will create an arc in the evening sky.

When to look?

This alignment ends on Thursday, March 30. The best viewing date is on Tuesday, March 28.

Where to look?

Look in the western sky after sunset.

How to witness this event?

This best viewing opportunity is away from the urban lights of the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

What is happening?

Both Jupiter and Mercury will appear low on the horizon, side-by-side. The duo will only be visible for less than an hour after sunset. After that, they will sink below the horizon and you won't be able to see them.

Venus will appear the brightest of all five planets. Uranus will appear to the left of Venus and probably be the hardest to locate. You might even need a pair of binoculars to catch a glimpse of it. You'll have an hour or two to search for it before that duo, too, sets below the horizon.

Mars will appear the highest in the sky and the second brightest of all the planets. It will appear bright red and high up in the southwest sky, above the crescent moon and slightly to its left from March 25 to 27, then below the moon on March 28th and beyond.

When will this happen again?

This won't be the only planetary alignment of the year. There will be several smaller ones that include fewer than five planets. It just happens that the March alignment will be the largest evening alignment of at least five planets. 

Other alignments ahead for 2023:

  • April 11 & 24 - Small alignment of Mars, Venus, Uranus and Mercury.
  • May 29 - Small alignment of Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus.
  • June 17 - Small alignment of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury and Uranus.
  • July 26 - Small alignment of Mars, Venus and Mercury.
  • August 24 - Small alignment of  Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus.
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