Romney Tops Field in Iowa: Poll

Mitt Romney has taken the lead in Iowa as the state gears up for Tuesday’s caucuses, according to a new poll. The former Massachusetts governor has the support of 25 percent of likely caucus-goers, compared to 22 percent for Ron Paul, according to a CNN/Time poll released Wednesday. Newt Gingrich, who led the polls in Iowa earlier this month, has dropped to fourth place (14 percent) behind surging Rick Santorum (16 percent). According to RealClearPolitics’ Iowa average of polls, Paul still has a 0.5 percentage point edge over Romney. But looking ahead to New Hampshire, Romney is the commanding frontrunner with 44 percent support, The Los Angeles Times reported. Meanwhile, all the candidates have sharpened their attacks on each other: Newt Gingrich said he wouldn't vote for Ron Paul if he won the nomination, Mitt Romney compared Gingrich to Lucille Ball and a pro-Gingrich political action committee called Romney "the second-most dangerous man in America."

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