North Texas

Workers Reflect on Obama Presidency Before Final State of the Union

President Barack Obama delivers his final State of the Union on Tuesday night, and those in North Texas are reflecting on the past seven years of his presidency.

Lorraine Carter never expected to see what happened on Nov. 4, 2007.

"We got a black president. I lived to see this, a black president," said Carter.

Carter works at the well-known South Dallas Café. Her co-workers recalled their excitement as well on that Election Day.

Obama inspired Arethia Rhodes to do something she had never done before.

"I never voted in my life, and I stopped by Good Street Baptist Church and he won," said Rhodes.

They threw a hug inauguration brunch in both 2008 and 2012. In 2008, there was a life-size cutout of Obama at the restaurant, and Carter still has her picture with it.

Their excitement has translated into more. Now, Rhodes rarely misses a vote, and Carter said she pays more attention to the political process.

"I want to know now what is going on in the house, even locally," she added.

Both women will be in front of the television for the final State of the Union. They are curious about what Obama will say, but will leave the guessing to the pundits. They are more concerned with what he has done – for the country, and for them.

In 2016, Carter is hoping to see more change.

"It is time for a woman in the White House," said Carter.

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