We've all heard it. Heck, we may even use it on a daily basis. But, no matter how strong your Texan accent is, it was just voted as the sexiest accent in the nation.
A recent survey of 1.5 million social media users was recently done by Big 7 Travel.
Users were ask to rank the sexiest accents across the nation, and well y'all... the Texan accent came out on top.
The writers over at Big 7 described the Texan accent as a typical southern accent with a twist. It is said to also include strong 'r's' and plenty of 'Howdy's'.
You can see the top 10 listed below, or click here for the full list.
- Texan
- Bostonian
- New York
- Mainer
- Chicago
- Mississippi
- Hawaiian
- Philadelphia
- St. Louis
- Californian