Some Schools Getting Close to Running Out of ‘Snow Days'

The National Weather Service is guiding leaders on everything from road conditions to wind chill to help them make decisions

NBC Universal, Inc.

As many students celebrate the lack of classes, parents and school officials are growing concerned with just how much lessons are being missed due to the winter weather. NBC 5’s Wayne Carter has more.

Most schools across the area remain closed to the winter weather through Thursday.

It doesn’t take long for parents and even the kids to get tired of a snow day but the games around the kitchen table are a much better choice than playing them on the playground these days.

Ice has socked in schools all across the metro, especially in the western half of North Texas where minus a few die-hard kids on sleds, the streets are a ghost town.

“Our district is 27 square miles. Yesterday there was freezing rain coming down on the west side of the district and nothing coming down on the east side of the district, and you don’t get to make these decisions on a school-by-school basis," said Lori Rapp, Lewisville ISD Superintendent, on tuesday.

Rapp said she knows parents can get frustrated with the last-minute nature of the calls schools are making but we all know how unpredictable the weather can be in Texas.

Many school districts have already cancelled class for Wednesday and school leaders are still meeting around the clock for the rest of the week. Education Reporter Wayne Carter has a look at the process school leaders are going through to call those school closures.

"It’s definitely one of the hardest calls you make," she said. "Everyone is comparing you to what everyone else is doing, but not everyone is seeing the same weather."

From parking lots to busing and playgrounds. It’s a lot to "monitor".

Angelica Ramsey, Fort Worth ISD Superintendent, has a long schedule of conference calls

"Our last call is at 9 p.m. and we get up for that 3:40 a.m. call and we do a lot of conversations with one another and TxDOT during the day," said Ramsey.

Dr. Michael McFarland, Superintendent, Crowley ISD says if things go past this week, the district will be out of snow days.

"We're pushing it three days in a row," he said. "If any have any other kinda of weather event we have to start thinking about how do we recoup that instructional time. We'll definitely have to start using some form of virtual if kids are home for some extended period of time, hopefully we won't have to do that, but we're preparing just in case we do.

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