Sniper's Perch ‘Owners' Headed to Court

A dispute between two men who both claim to own the "sniper's perch" where Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly positioned himself to fire on President John F. Kennedy will go to court next month.

State district Judge Gena Slaughter was set Monday to began hearing testimony to determine who is the owner of the actual sixth-floor window from the Texas School Book Depository, but instead moved the hearing to March 16.

Sixty-seven-year-old Caruth Byrd of Van, Texas, has sued 81-year-old Aubrey Mayhew of Nashville, Tenn. Byrd wants the court to declare him the owner of the true window.

Byrd says he inherited the window in 1986 from his father, the former owner of the building. Mayhew says he had it removed from the building in the 1970s.

The judge delayed the hearing because Mayhew has a new attorney who needs time to get up to speed on the case.

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