Pastor Finds Lessons in Super Bowl Commercials

A Grapevine preacher has found inspiration in the Super Bowl, saying there are valuable lessons to be learned -- from the commercials.

Ken Diehm, the senior pastor at First United Methodists Church asked his congregation last week to text him about the commercials they want him to preach about.

"The commercials are selling us things and I want people in the church to think about what they're being sold and how it relates to their faith," Diehm said.

He said he received dozens of e-mails and text messages from churchgoers picking their favorite commercials.

The first commercial Diehm showed was the commercial in which Alec Baldwin says television turns your brain into mush.

"What it got me thinking about was those habits in our lives that we know are self-destructive and are bad for us, but we do them anyway, " Diehm said.

Churchgoers also took away their own messages from the commercial.

"Are we letting the media affect and rule our lives, or are we letting our faith do that?" Cindy Mosswood said.

Diehm showed seven commercials after prayer.

Football season may be over, but his congregants said Diehm scored a touchdown.

"It was good," Todd LaRose said. "You never think about watching the Super Bowl commercials, you just eat your chips. And then you come here and think there is a message behind them."

Diehm has given a sermon on Super Bowl ads for the past nine years.

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