
‘I'm Anxious All the Time Now, What's Next?' Local Counselor Talks Mindfulness During Pandemic

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Tori Dixon, a licensed professional counselor in Dallas, uses COVID as an acronym to remind people to take care of themselves so they can take care of others during this pandemic.

About two month into coronavirus in North Texas, how are you doing? It’s a question many people forget to ask themselves.

Tori Dixon, a licensed professional counselor in Dallas, has been reminding people if they don’t take care of themselves first, there is no way they will be able to take care of someone else.

She also wants people to remember, none of us have ever gone through something like this.

“None of us have been here before,” Dixon said. “We have never experienced a change in our life and to this magnitude, on a global scale. So it’s OK to not have all the answers about what’s next.”

While you may not have all the answers about the future, we can control how we take care of our mental health right now.

Dixon uses COVID as an acronym to show people how they can take care of themselves:

C- Create a routine-routine helps with creating a sense of normalcy and predictability helps with lessening feelings of anxiety.

O- Optimistic point of view throughout this time of uncertainty.  Hope that all will be well.

V- Validate feelings whatever they may be (sad, grief, confusion, etc.)--acknowledging feelings also lessens anxiety.

I- Introduce yourself to new things/experiences (new recipes for healthy meals, meditation, exercise).

D- Don't inundate yourself with too much information. Being mindful of what we're feeding our mind which impacts feelings and emotions.

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