
Deadly Tornado Tore Through Dallas County 61 Years Ago

Monday marks the 61st anniversary of a damaging tornado that tore a path of destruction through Dallas County and narrowly missed going through downtown Dallas itself.

The tornado was on the ground for 45 minutes and had a path length of 17 miles. At its strongest point, wind speeds were estimated to be 175 mph. That would give it an EF-4 rating today, but is considered an F-3 on the old Fujita Scale. Regardless, it was a damaging and deadly tornado that caused $4 million in damage (in 1957 dollars, which is now equivalent to $35 million today), killed 10 people and injured more than 200.

Given the path the tornado took, itโ€™s surprising more people did not lose their lives.

This serves as a reminder that not only are we heading into the heart of our severe weather season in North Texas, but also to remind you that urban areas are not immune to tornadoes. Please make sure you stay WEATHER AWARE as we go into our busy time of year.

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