Man Charged in Bedford Crash That Killed Man, Injured Pregnant Woman

A busy North Texas street was shut down for three hours after a deadly crash involving a stolen car, police said.[[309871721,C]]

A traffic officer saw an Audi collide with a Mercedes in 2100 block of Martin Drive in Bedford at about 12:15 p.m. Thursday, Bedford Police Department spokesman Jerry Buford said. The officer saw the crash shortly after he began pursuing the Audi, which was traveling at a high rate of speed on L. Don Dodson Drive.

The driver of the Mercedes β€” later identified as 25-year-old Colby Bozo β€” died at the scene.

Bozo's pregnant wife was in the passenger seat. She was transported to John Peter Smith Hospital, where she remains in critical condition Friday, according to officers. Police said the child is in critical condition at a different hospital.

The driver of the Audi β€” 29-year-old Jason Bernard Miller β€” ran from the scene after the crash, but was quickly caught and arrested. He was treated for minor injuries and then take to the Bedford Police Department where he was charged with murder, evading arrest, possession of a controlled substance and unauthorized use of a vehicle.

Police said the Audi Miller was driving was reported stolen in Dallas June 17.

NBC 5's Julie Fine and Todd L. Davis contributed to this report.

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