
Dallas to Spray for Mosquitoes After Positive West Nile Samples

The City of Dallas will spray for mosquitos after samples tested positive for West Nile virus, the Dallas County Health and Human Services said.

The spraying will occur between 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. both Thursday and Friday nights, weather permitting.

The areas to be sprayed are generally bounded by:

  • 2900 block of Sundial Drive 75229: North Bend Drive on the north, Grissom Lane on the west, Webb Chapel Road on the east, and Flowerdale Lane on the south.
  • 3400 block of Pondrom Street 75215: Jefferies Street on the north, Park Row Avenue on the west, Eugene Street on the east, and Holmes Street on the south.
  • 3700 block of Reese Drive 75210: Imperial Street on the north, Roberts Avenue on the west, Barber Avenue on the east, and Vannerson Drive on the south.
  • 3900 block of South Malcolm X Boulevard 75215: S. Trunk Avenue on the north, Warren Avenue on the west, Marburg Street on the east, and Diamond Avenue on the south.
  • 4200 block of Hamilton Avenue 75210: Haskell Avenue on the north, Pennsylvania Avenue on the west, Collins Avenue on the east, and 2nd Avenue on the south.
  • 7100 block of Valley View Lane 75240: Peyton Drive on the north, Hughes Lane on the west, Coit Road on the east, and LBJ Freeway on the south.
  • 7700 block of Maplecrest Drive 75254: Beltline Road on the north, Briar Cove Drive on the west, Coit Road on the east, and Far Hills Lane on the south.
  • 12500 block of Planters Glen Drive 75244: LBJ Freeway on the north, Welch Road on the west, Nuestra Drive on the east, and Placid Way on the south.
  • 15400 block of Meandering Way 75248: Alto Caro Drive on the north, Hillcrest Road on the west, Coit Road on the east, and Beltline Road on the south.

DCHHS reported the county's first death this year in a resident who contracted West Nile virus on Aug. 9 and the fourth human case on Aug. 11.

In 2020, Dallas County reported five deaths from West Nile, including a significant increase in a significant increase in WNV disease prevalence with 20 human cases and 498 positive mosquito tests.

Last week, Dallas County sprayed in several neighborhoods Tuesday, WednesdayThursday or Friday nights due multiple mosquito samples that tested positive for West Nile.

For more information about spraying and to find whether your neighborhood has been sprayed, you can visit the DCHHS website here.


  • Dress in long sleeves, pants when outside: For extra protection, spray thin clothing with repellent.
  • DEET: Make sure this ingredient is in your insect repellent.
  • Drain standing water in your yard and neighborhood: Mosquitoes can develop in any water stagnant for more than three days.

It has been recommended in the past that to avoid mosquito bites you should avoid being outdoors during Dusk and Dawn (the 4 Ds). While this is true for mosquitoes that commonly carry the West Nile virus, other types of mosquitoes that are more likely to carry Zika, dengue and chikungunya are active during the day. When outdoors, no matter what time of day, adjust your dress accordingly and wear insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus as your first line of defense against insect bites

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