
Dallas Animal Services Yearly Summary Shows Higher Adoption Rates

Dallas Animal Services

More pets were adopted and less pets were put down last year at Dallas Animal Services, according to a tweet of their yearly summary.

DAS said they had a 87.9% live release rate, which is a 7.2% improvement over 2018. As their live release rates improved last year, their intake also increased.

Compared to 2018, it shows that in 2019 adoption rates increased, more pets were returned to their owners and less pets were euthanized.

In December, Dallas Animal Services set the record for highest live release rate at 93.8%. That record beat out November 2019.

DAS said on Facebook that live release rate is "achieved through adoption, reclaim by an owner, transfer to a rescue partner and other life‐saving actions."

Citizens who want to help can do so through adopting, volunteering, or fostering.

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