Hidden Threat: Identifying Kissing Bugs

Learn how to identify the potentially life-threatening Kissing Bug from similar bugs found in Texas.

4 photos
NBC 5 News
At the top left, that's a kissing bug. At the top right, a stink bug. Bottom left is the leaf-footed bug and and bottom right, the wheel bug. If the bug has spikes on it or wide flat legs -- it's not a kissing bug.
nPhoto Credits: Top Row L-R: Texas A&M University (Kissing Bug), Michael Merchant (Stink Bug)
nBottom Row L-R: Pat Porter (Leaf-Footed Bug), Frank Heinz (Wheel Bug)
Pat Porter
Leaf-Footed Bug
Michael Merchant
Stink Bug
Frank Heinz, NBC 5 News
Wheel Bug
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