As the cranes moved into position at the Robert E. Lee statue Wednesday afternoon, I joined a crowd of onlookers with a variety of views on the uprooting we thought we would witness. It was a beautiful day, and the conversations I heard (and sometimes joined) were pleasant, constructive and civil.What a shame the City of Dallas had no interest in that debate, making clear its intent with a hurried vote that steamrolled the task force Mayor Rawlings and others said would weigh all sides thoughtfully and issue recommendations.At Lee Park, as crews tried to figure out where to dislodge the statue, the pros and cons of Confederate imagery seemed like old news, replaced with the city's decision to abandon all pretense of thoughtful consideration.As Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway arrived to bask in the result of this hastened action, I asked about the basis for the rush to judgment. Continue reading...
Removing Dallas' Robert E. Lee Statue Is Not an Emergency
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