Science with Samantha

Science With Samantha: Aug. 12

Science with Samantha will feature a joint Instagram Live with Tierra Encantada at 10 a.m. 

Samantha Davies 2019

This week, Science with Samantha will feature a joint Instagram Live with Tierra Encantada at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug 12.

Due to the joint live session, Science with Samantha will not be seen on Facebook this week. If you follow @SDaviesNBC5 on Instagram, you will get a notification when the live experiment begins.

Tierra Encantada is a community-oriented Spanish immersion educational program that provides care for children 6 weeks through 6 years of age. The organization is starting to expand into Texas. Tierra Encantada has a variety of STEM activities to help keep kids busy, engaged, inspired and unplugged using supplies you already have around your home.

Kelcy Svare, Marketing Specialist with Tierra Encantada, will be guiding us through these projects:

Engineering a Bridge

Materials needed:
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- Toothpicks (markers, sticks, straws, etc.)
- Marshmallows (tape, Play-Doh, glue, etc.)
- Toy animals (or toys to cross the bridge)

Walking Water

Materials needed:
- Red, blue, and yellow food coloring
- 6 clear cups
- 6 sheets of paper towel (I used half sheets. The thicker the paper towel, the longer the water transfer takes)
- Enough water to fill 3 of the cups

DIY Upcycled Bird Feeder

Materials needed:
- Plastic water bottle or milk jug
- Craft knife
- Something for the birds to perch on (stick, pencil, spoon, etc.)
- String
- Birdseed
- Something to decorate your water bottle with (paint, stickers, pom poms etc.)

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