Fort Worth

Uncertainty Surrounds Fort Worth Police Chief

On Monday, Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald withdrew his candidacy for police commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department, saying he was focused on his son’s health and appreciated the support from the community. But the months of wondering whether he would stay or go left a divide between the chief’s critics and supporters.

On Monday, Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald withdrew his candidacy for police commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department, saying he was focused on his son's health and appreciated the support from the community.

But the months of wondering whether he would stay or go left a divide between the chief's critics and supporters.

"There's mixed community reaction," said Robert Ashley, host on Fort Worth's Heaven 97 talk radio. "Some are saying they support the chief, others are saying it's time for him to go."

Ashley had one of the chief's critics, Rev. Dr. Michael Bell on his noon program Monday.

"The reason there's somewhat of a divide in the African American community in Fort Worth is he knows how to divide," Bell said. "This is the boomerang principle at work and he's reaping what he's sown."

While Fitzgerald has said he will stay, his future in Fort Worth is unclear. A group of pastors who support Fitzgerald held a news conference Monday morning, and said the new developments were an answer to their prayers.

"The reality of Baltimore is that you have city council members who were upset that the mayor selected a chief of police, a commissioner of police, without their involvement and they were going to do everything in their power to derail it," Rev. Kyev Tatum said. "Bad for them. Great for us!"

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