Mexican Flag Tops U.S. Flag in Man's Antiwar Protest

A man's antiwar protest is angering people who drive by his far northeast Dallas home.

American-born Louis Garza flies an upside-down Mexican flag over a torn U.S. flag at his home at the corner of Shiloh Road and Millmar Drive to show opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"They are killing innocent kids over there," he said. "They offer them money and they go."

Garza said the troops that are overseas belong on the border.

Rafael Arrendondo, an Army veteran, called the protest a slap in the face.

"It's a shock," he said. "It's disgraceful. It's being desecrated and it's bothersome."

"It hurts," he said. "It makes you angry, it's plain and simple."

But Garza said he doesn't consider the flip-flopped flags disrespectful.

"I don't think so, because I am an American," he said.

Garza said people have fired guns at his home over the flag.

"I had my family here, my little girls, and they went by, pow-pow-pow," he said.

But he said he will keep the flags the way they are.

"When they bring our kids home, I will take it down," Garza said.

According to the U.S. Flag Code, a person should not display a national or international flag "equal, above or in a position or superior prominence or honor to" the U.S. flag within the United States.

However, the code also states that flags of two or more nations should be flown from separate staffs of the same height. International usage forbids one flag to be displayed above another nation's in time of peace, according to the Flag Code.

The Flag Code is federal law, but does not include penalties or punishments and is considered advisory, according to a Congressional Research Service report for Congress.

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