Lose the Double Chin Without Surgery

Two new procedures can eliminate the double chin without the need for surgery.

The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a new injection called Kybella to address fat under the chin.

Kybella is said to be the first of its kind injectable that breaks down the fat cells in a double chin and according to Dr. Fiona Wright, of Skin M.D. And Beyond in Plano, the results can last years.

Wright explains Kybella as a detergent that breaks down fat cells, which dissolve from the body.

"When those are broken down by just an inflammatory response, the body heals from that and then lymphatic system will just naturally carry that away over time. The treatment is very quick, very easy and very precise," said Wright.

The treatment costs can be similar to costs of liposuction procedures, but without the pain and recovery time of surgery.

"You're looking at that treatment ranging anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 to $1,700 a treatment and you have to have at least two. In the studies, most people had four to five treatments," said Wright. "Now you're talking about something that's costing in the points of $4,000 to $6,000, which you can get liposuction for that number. However, with the lipo, you've got bandages. You're going to have to take time off from work. It is evident to your coworkers."

The other option being offered as a way to lose the double chin without going under the knife is the TermiSmooth 250, or ThermiShape.

It uses radio frequency energy to tighten skin and reduce fat.

"Radio frequency energy can be used to heat deeper tissues. Lots of different companies use this technology and it's well known to remodel collagen and when you get that temperature a right level, about 42 to 45 degrees, you can actually tighten the skin," said Wright.

The treatment will run patients between $2,000 and $2,500 and consists of four to five 30-minute treatments over the course of two months.

Lori Stacy opted for the ThermiShape after noticing sagging skin in her chin area.

"I have an aggressive schedule and I just want to have a procedure that's not gonna really impact that," said Stacy.

The results of the treatment surprised Stacy.

"It was a little bit surprising because I think when you look at your own face, you don't necessarily see all the improvements, but the pictures told a different story. I was pretty impressed. You could see less loose skin, but what was really more prevalent to me was the lift in the jawline," she says.

She also says her close friends noticed as well.

"They said, 'Bye bye turkey neck!'"

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