
Irving Police Officers Recognized for Helping Save Jogger's Life

Officers performed CPR until paramedics arrived

NBC 5 News

Police officers never know what to expect when they respond to a call. They could be arresting a criminal or saving someone’s life.

"If not for these two gentlemen, these two officers, I wouldn't be here talking to you guys," heart attack survivor Ramana said.

Ramana, who did not want to give his last name, lives in Irving. He stood beside Irving police officers Kenny Edwards and Daniel Wilson Friday morning to thank them for saving his life.

"Just thankful to God and the officers for giving me this second chance," he said.

Ramana is a 47-year-old husband and father of two daughters.

To stay in shape he runs a 10K route every weekend. But on Nov. 21, while jogging near Ranchview High School, he collapsed, while he had a major heart attack.

Bodycam video shared by the Irving Police Department shows officers Edwards and Wilson performing CPR on him until paramedics arrived.

He said the officers provided divine intervention and saved his life.

"They are like God to me,” Ramana said. “Next to the God. I feel like a second life that God has given me is through them and the doctors."

Both officers though said this is just what any other officer would have done in that situation.

"We just happened to be in the area at the right time at the right moment and we were able to help," Edwards said.

"Just really grateful to actually have a direct impact in saving somebody's life," Wilson said.

Edwards and Wilson received a life saving award from their department. 

They were honored alongside several other officers for saving lives, the highest number of DUI arrests and safe driving recognitions.

The jogger said he was glad to be able to thank his lifesavers in person. He also said all officers deserve recognition.

"Every officer they put their life on the line to save so many lives day in and day out,” the jogger said. “I think you can’t just put it in words. It's not just a job it's more than that."

The Irving Police Department honors officers’ outstanding work each quarter at its Merit and Tenure Awards Ceremony.

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