
Exclusive Look at Lee Harvey Oswald Exhibit Detailing Notorious Dallas History

UNT Dallas College of Law building is former Dallas City Hall and Police Headquarters where Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald

NBCUniversal, Inc.

NBC 5’s Ken Kalthoff gives an exclusive look inside a new exhibit on a notorious part of Dallas history — the former Dallas City Hall and police headquarters where Jack Ruby shot accused President John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

Elaborate displays recall the arrest of accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and his murder at the former Dallas City Hall and Police Headquarters building on Harwood Street, which is now the University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law.

The Dallas assassination of President John F. Kennedy and then the live TV murder of the alleged assassin shocked the nation and forever changed security precautions for presidents and suspects.

The law school occupies the upper five floors of that building. None of the displays are currently open to the public, but visitors may soon be allowed to see a portion of the display in the building’s basement.

“We wanted to preserve as much of the history as we could, but this is a functioning law school which means I have students normally all over the building,” said Felicia Epps, Dean of UNT Dallas College of Law. “We have to put the best interests of our students as our first concern and make sure they’re getting their legal education in a quiet, safe environment.”


In the basement area that may eventually be open to the public on weekends, images are projected on walls at the entrance depicting events in that building and the city of Dallas in November 1963.

In the first room of the basement exhibit, old TVs and a radio play more sounds and sights of the early 1960s leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy.

Shafkat Anowar, The Dallas Morning News
Visual presentation during a new exhibit at the UNT Dallas Law School portraying the history of the building related to the Kennedy assassination and assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's death.

In the next room, interactive displays depict the interrogation area where both Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby were questioned and the building’s line-up area where witness identification was conducted.

There is a recreation of what once was the suspect booking area in the basement. And finally, the exhibit ends with photos of Oswald’s murder in the exact spot where Ruby fired the fatal shot.

Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
UNT Dallas Law Center was Dallas City Hall until 1978 and portions were Dallas Police Headquarters until 2003. Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were both jailed on the 5th floor here.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
A 1956 addition to the Dallas City Hall building first housed Dallas Police Headquarters and Municipal Court. It is still Dallas Municipal Court today.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Garage door entrances like this on the south and north sides of the building lead to the basement level where prisoners were brought through the building. Jack Ruby evidently walked right down to the basement hallway where he fired the fatal shot that killed Lee Harvey Oswald as Oswald was being taken to the Dallas County Jail in November 1963. Security for high profile defendants is much different since then.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This is the display on the 5th floor of the UNT Dallas Law School with cells that were preserved. Both Lee Harvey Oswald and then Jack Ruby were jailed in the same high security cell. This area will NOT be open to the public to maintain safety for students.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Display posted outside the cell where Oswald and Ruby were jailed in 1963.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
I spent a few seconds in this historic cell and that is long enough! I'm told there is no replacement for the old locking mechanism parts and I was happy to get out without closing the door!
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This is the mug shot area on the 4th floor of the building. This will NOT be open to the public to keep students and the law school secure.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
The historic display at the mug shot area that will NOT be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
A display in an area of the UNT Dallas Law School that will NOT be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This is the 3rd flood interrogation room from the former Dallas Police portion of the building that will NOT be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
A closer view of the interview room that will NOT be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Details about the 1963 questioning of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This is the former Dallas City Council Chambers in the Old Dallas City Hall building, now a UNT Dallas law school class room, NOT open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This is a mock courtroom in the UNT Dallas Law School that is NOT open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Basement hallway entrance to the UNT Dallas Law School display that may one day be open to the public. Images from 1963 are displayed on the wall.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Another view of the hallway display entering the historic exhibit at UNT Dallas Law School basement that may one day be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Historic exhibit includes old radio and TV's
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Interactive displays about the events of November 1963 with a map on the floor about locations. May eventually be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Display depicting how suspect line ups were conducted in 1963 and how Oswald was paraded in front of cameras.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This is a recreation of the Dallas Police booking area with interactive computers that would not have been present in 1963.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
This display about the actual shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald is in the exact spot where the shooting occurred in what was then a hallway. It may soon be open to the public.
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
Ken Kalthoff/NBC DFW
The display transitions to a window that shows the actual basement garage area which no no longer be accessed. Oswald was to be taken to a waiting vehicle in the garage.

Epps said the exhibit is chilling.

“To think that you're somewhere where this kind of history took place. And it is part of history. And you have to embrace all parts of our history. This is part of it,” she said.

Historic features on the upper floors of the building have also been preserved but they will not be visible to law students and not be open to the public to maintain security in the building.

The actual interrogation room on the third floor and the fourth-floor mug shot area are marked.

The fifth-floor cell where both Oswald and then Ruby were jailed in 1963 has also been preserved. That cell in the middle of a three-cell block was selected to have no other inmates besides Oswald.

Oswald was taken out of that cell and down from the fifth floor in a secure elevator for a transfer to the Dallas County Jail. But the transfer was interrupted by the gunshot from Ruby in the basement.

“So, the police take Jack Ruby into custody, bring him up in that same elevator, and put him in this cell,” Epps said.

The building was designed in 1912 and served as Dallas City Hall until 1978. It continued to be Dallas Police Headquarters until 2003. A 1956 annex portion of the building is still Dallas Municipal Court.

Back in 1963, Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, was able to walk right down into the basement of the building and shoot Oswald.

The prisoner transfer was being carried on live television, which required extensive public set up at that time.

President Kennedy rode through Dallas in an open vehicle when he was shot. Security since those events is much different for presidents and suspects.

But some conspiracy talk about those events remains to this day.

“Matters that we might have resolved to everyone's satisfaction if there had been a trial of Lee Harvey Oswald which there never was,” Epps said.

The history from nearly 60 years ago is not forgotten in what is now a law school.

Officials with UNT Dallas are talking with other organizations about how the basement display might be managed and opened to visitors in the future.

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