
Couple Celebrates Wedding Anniversary With Kidney Donation

Husband and wife Felipe Villegas Robles and Lianable Rodriguez are a perfect match in more ways than one.

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Husband and wife, Felipe Villegas Robles and Lianable Rodriguez, are a perfect match in more ways than one.

A couple from Puerto Rico celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary in the most unique way. They were in surgery at Methodist Dallas hospital, where Lianable Rodriguez donated a kidney to her husband, Felipe Villegas Robles.

"It's a God sign," Rodriguez said on the day of the transplant surgery when she realized the date was significant. "Oh, my God! It's our anniversary!"

"I actually found out it was their anniversary right before I started the surgery," Methodist Dallas transplant surgeon Dr. Alejandro Mejia said. "So it was another reason to celebrate and give you a little pressure. You got to make this work, right?"

Villegas Robles had been battling kidney disease for 17 years. The couple knew they were a perfect love match, they said they just didn't realize they were a perfect match for a kidney.

"The doctor said she gave me a good kidney," Villegas Robles said laughing. "She gave me another chance at life, and I feel good about it."

The couple will go back to Puerto Rico in a few weeks, but it will be hard to top Rodriguez's anniversary gift of life.

"A vacation. A real vacation," Rodriguez suggested with a smile. "That's all. That's all."

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