Fort Worth

7-Year-Old Starts ‘Kindness Flowers' Campaign to Help Neighbors in Need

When fire destroyed a house in Reagan Burns' north Fort Worth neighborhood, the 7-year old wanted to do something to help

NBCUniversal, Inc.

In a neighbor’s hour of need, a Fort Worth second-grader got out her craft paper and scissors and got to work to help. NBC 5’s Noelle Walker reports.

Reagan Burns had the day off of school on Monday, but it was not a day off.

"I like the polka dots," Reagan said putting together a craft project she calls 'Kindness Flowers.' "This is something kind, and something kind could really help a city, a world, the town."

It could help a neighbor. A fire last month in the Burns' neighborhood destroyed a home two-blocks away from theirs. Long after the smoke cleared, Reagan's mind lingered on the fire.

"She just looked up and had this sad look on her face," Reagan's father, Blake Burns said. "I said, 'Babe, what's wrong?', and she said, "I want to help the family with the fire'."

"If their house caught on fire, um, then you should help them," Reagan said. "Because it's not ok just to leave them behind."

Reagan decided to sell 'Kindness Flowers' to raise money for the family whose home burned; a family she's never met.

"So they can buy clothes and food... if I sell enough, they could even probably get a house," Reagan said as she pasted craft paper flowers on colorful backgrounds.

"It's really shown us the hearts of people," Reagan's mother, Tiffany Burns, said. "How a 7-year-old's innocent heart can reach so many and do so much good."

Proof of that came by mail, as Reagan opened letter after letter filled with orders and donations. She raised $1,100 in the first two days, and the donations continue to come in.

"It makes me feel joyful and happy," Reagan said.

You can make a donation to Reagan's fund through Venmo at 'Tiffany-Burns-28'

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