
DeSoto ISD Receives Donations to Recover PPE Supply Destroyed in Recent Fire

A North Texas school district asked for donations after a recent fire devastated its stock of personal protective equipment.
DeSoto ISD

A North Texas school district asked for donations after a recent fire devastated its stock of personal protective equipment.

An outpouring of generosity is helping a North Texas school district keep students and staff safe as classrooms reopen for the new school year.

The DeSoto Independent School District says Dallas-based health care company Medcillary donated 50,000 KN95 masks to the district. The supply is valued at more than $150,000 -- nearly double the expense the district would've faced to replace the PPE, officials said.

A fire in late August destroyed the district's stockpile of personal protective equipment -- disposable masks to reusable masks, gloves, thermometers, hand sanitizers and face shields -- and put plans for in-person learning in jeopardy.

Administrators said an emergency supply of PPE from the Texas Education Agency would help until the district could purchase a full restock.

"News of the fire spread throughout the community, and the community responded! Donations have flooded the district replacing all of the destroyed PPE and then some!" read a district news release.

DeSoto ISD and Medcillary planned an event for noon Tuesday to announce additional information bout the donation.

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